3 Tips for Maximizing On-Line Video Effectiveness
From traditional television, radio, and print advertising to the latest social media platforms, businesses today have more ways to connect with the public than ever before. One of the most popular and efficient of those methods is on-line video. A survey of 230 marketers and online consumers found that 61% of businesses already use video as a marketing tool and 91% of marketers planned to increase or maintain their investment in video in the future. Despite this obviously popular trend, however, 53% of businesses also reported that they have to struggle to promote their video content. Fortunately, the marketing specialists at McCauley Marketing Services have been successfully promoting video content for our clients for years and have found three essential tips that can make on-line video an effective part of your marketing strategy.
Simplify Your Message
Experts have found that YouTube videos that are approximately two minutes in length (or less) generally receive the most views, so there is no need for elaborate set-ups or complex subject matter. Those who are familiar with content marketing strategies know that Google search algorithms tend to favor content that people find useful or that they frequently reference, so using your video as an opportunity to answer a common question, explain a popular technique, or even show a client testimonial can be particularly effective. Remember that you will definitely want to create more than one video, so don’t feel as though you have to address every issue at once. Be organized and concise so that viewers can get something out of what you post.
Maximize Your Exposure
An on-line video will definitely attract attention, but it will reach an even greater audience if it is just one part of a larger web presence. By regularly sharing links to your videos on social media platforms and featuring them in blog posts and your web site, you can use your videos to promote your content while simultaneously using your content to spotlight your videos. Don’t forget to make your videos more accessible by adding close captioning and/or subtitles as well. Not only will this help you reach the millions of men and women who are hearing impaired, it will also give people the option of watching your video in noisy environments or in locations where they might need to remain quiet.
Monitor Your Performance
As with any ongoing marketing strategy, it is vitally important that you carefully monitor the impact your video campaign is having so that you can adapt to changing conditions and make any adjustments that need to be made. For example, YouTube’s analytics can supply you with data designed about how your videos are performing, and when that data is viewed alongside other tools for tracking engagement you can determine whether the views that your videos are getting are successfully converting to visits to your website, sales landing pages, or usage of your contact form. Analyzing and adapting to a constantly changing digital landscape is a cornerstone of on-line success.
A good marketing campaign involves a variety of different moving parts, all working together to achieve a single goal. Using on-line videos is just one aspect of what should be a comprehensive strategy. If you are interested in increasing your business’ visibility, would like to secure your presence on social media, or have any marketing questions, don’t hesitate to contact McCauley Marketing Services today. Be sure to also connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ to keep informed on all the fun updates social media will undoubtedly be sharing with us in the near future.