Dead or Alive: The Value of Print Advertising
You’ve probably seen articles about the irony of Google using print advertisements to show the advantage of their online advertising services. If not, Google’s recent ad in Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper received quite a bit of attention especially after a Globe and Mail reporter, Steve Ladurantaye, tweeted “An ad for Google ads in today’s Globe demonstrates the value of print ads, yes?” with a photo of the ad. The ad explained the power of Google ads stating, “You know who needs a haircut? People searching for a haircut.”
The McCauley Marketing team uses Google’s pay-per-click services (AdWords). We don’t doubt the fact that they work; however, just like any ad campaign, it must be strategically planned in every way for it to be successful. We also believe the power of advertising is limited if you don’t use multiple outlets. Even with a very specific target market, it’s important to diversify your advertisement efforts to reach a larger audience. Since the internet took off, some marketers have started saying print advertising is dead or dying. However, an article recently released by Forbes explains that “print still maintains its stance as a powerful and necessary component of an ad campaign.” We can also attest to this fact based on our clients’ success with this form of advertising.
Unlike internet advertisements that disappear with the click of a button, print advertisements stick around longer and people are more likely to read them compared to online content that is more frequently skimmed. Print ads help people become more familiar with your brand identity. McCauley Marketing Service’s graphic designers and copy writers work to keep this brand identity consistent in every campaign we develop for our client whether it’s advertising (digital and print), website design, email marketing (newsletters), or social media marketing.
Many businesses who have switched to online advertising appreciate the cost effectiveness. While internet ads are typically less costly (initially), we know the value of using multiple outlets. More importantly, we know the value of making various marketing outlets work together to a business’s advantage. While some may want to spend more money in internet advertising, we encourage our clients not to forget about print advertisements to ensure enough diversity to strengthen their brand.
For more information on print and internet advertising, or to learn more about other marketing services we offer, visit our website. To learn more about what we can do for your business, contact us today. Be sure to stay updated with the latest marketing and public relations news by connecting with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.