New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business in 2020
There are plenty of reasons to love the start of a new year. It comes with parties and celebrations, but it’s also a perfect opportunity to set yourself up for a more successful year ahead. You have probably already reviewed your marketing strategy and made changes for your focus in 2020, but if you haven’t, it’s not too late to do this. There are also other ways to use this fresh start to your advantage. At McCauley Marketing Services, we are firm believers in the idea of setting clear goals and working toward them one step at a time. Add these goals to your list of New Year’s resolutions for 2020. And most importantly, track your results so you can either adjust or celebrate their benefits.
Strike a Balance Between Planning and Flexibility
One of the most essential and easiest ways to make your marketing campaigns more successful is to allow yourself plenty of time to plan and to create all the materials you need. After all, how many times in the past have you had a great idea in the middle of planning a campaign but you had to pass it up because you didn’t have time?
While you want to plan your campaigns with plenty of time, you also need to have some flexibility. Trends today come and go in a heartbeat, and having the ability to jump on one in an instant can pay off. The trick is having enough resources to handle a quick project at the drop of a hat, such as hiring a marketing company instead of trying to handle all your marketing with a small in-house team.
Keep Tabs on Your Results Data
Thanks to technology, there is plenty of data available about how your digital marketing strategies are working. You can see anything from the types of people who view your content to the percentage of readers who take the next step of contacting you. If you are like most business owners and marketing managers, you may glance at that data every so often when you are curious, but do you ever sit down and take a good look?
Starting in 2020, add another meeting to your schedule: a data meeting with yourself. Schedule it every month or so and block off time for you to take a good look through the data at your fingertips. Thoroughly analyzing this data and using it to guide your upcoming campaigns will provide big rewards.
Put More Focus on Your Existing Customers
It is common knowledge in the business world that it its more cost-effective to keep existing customers than to bring in new ones. The problem is that many managers and business owners believe that all they need to do to keep their customers is to provide good service. The truth is that your competitors are on a constant campaign to draw away your customers, so you need to actively engage with your customers to keep them around. For 2020, incorporate internal marketing into all your campaigns. This by far is the most successful way to keep your business thriving. Internal marketing can include strategies like following up with clients by phone to see if they have any questions or handing out flyers to customers highlighting your specials and new arrivals.
As you look ahead to a bright new year with optimism, New Year’s resolutions will help you turn your dreams into reality. These resolutions are essential for any business for this upcoming year. If you want more direct help strategizing for 2020, schedule a meeting with McCauley Marketing Services to discuss your goals.