What are QR Codes, and How Will They Benefit My Business?
We thought it might be time to write a blog on QR codes when we got the following question on our Facebook page: “What are those fancy square bar codes?”
Chances are you’ve seen those four-sided, boxy-looking codes on flyers, ads, and maybe even on billboards. These “bar codes on steroids” are called QR codes (or quick response codes) and work to encode information to two-dimensional spaces like magazines and even on websites. To use a QR code, users need a smart phone with a QR code scanning application. The phone’s scanning app interprets the code as a URL or website address and takes the user to the web page of the QR code creator’s choice.
This marketing tool was initially used to track vehicle parts during the manufacturing process and has since morphed into an instrument used by marketers to draw attention to web pages they think clients need to visit. By scanning the code from an ad, clients can view a company’s monthly specials for example. On brochures, they can direct people to your website for more information.
QR codes are useful to businesses in a variety of ways. Because QR codes can link to whatever URL you choose, users can use the tool to sign up for newsletters or eBlast information more easily, or watch entertaining videos explaining their services. QR codes can be used for online brochures, event invitations, client surveys or evaluations, insider information, and more! The possibilities are truly endless.
Try scanning the QR code above to see where it takes you! For the latest in marketing news make sure to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter. You can also check out our blog for regular updates.